
We are looking for innovative start-ups in advanced technologies in the fields of AI driven image handling and software development. If this is you, we would love to meet you.

Future Partners

As an energetic powerhouse nestled in the heart of Japan, our mission is to supercharge global AI innovators and swiftly catapult their groundbreaking products into the Japanese market. We establish crucial links between your pioneering SaaS model business and eager Japanese customers, nurturing symbiotic growth for all. Don’t hesitate to reach out for more exciting details!

Having collaborated with numerous international start-ups, our fervor for bolstering their presence in the Japanese market is unceasing. We strive to reinvent the traditional agency model, drawing from our rich tapestry of experiences to cultivate a uniquely successful business approach.

The journey towards phenomenal ROI in the Japanese market can take many routes. One, you could establish your own local presence in Japan; two, identify a passionate distributor ready to promote your products; or three, join hands with us, creating a dynamic partnership designed to connect you to the right potential customers and foster collaborative business growth. We are confident that the third approach provides the optimal route to swiftly launch your innovative technology into the Japanese market.